Category: Art & Beauty

  • An Ephiphany of Music

    An Ephiphany of Music

    In the halls of the grand Czech museum, I stood, gazing at a quote on the wall (“Without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress.” ~ Milan Kundera). Suddenly, I felt my inner world hush as the first notes of a song drifted…

  • The Legacy of Love Letters (& a special interview)

    The Legacy of Love Letters (& a special interview)

    Communication has developed drastically over the past century. Letters are, to the modern eye, a token of the past, a sentimentality to admire for several moments but not worthy of deep consideration. In the sphere of social media, individuals bask in brevity. People send quick texts, rash rants, reminders; it’s fast and furious. There is…

  • A Small & Passing Thing

    A Small & Passing Thing

    Every day people face wars. Wars that tear our countries, our stability, our minds, our hearts, our relationships, our identities. In many cases, these wars are hidden — kept under the folds of guilt and fear. Hidden wars leave us with acute feelings of alienation and despair. We’re left in the dark, ill-equipped and uncertain…

  • A Soldier of Hope

    A Soldier of Hope

    I’m a bit of a contradiction when it comes to hope. At times, I have my head in the clouds, lovely dreams fluttering across my mind of life ahead. At other times, life seems too unpredictable and my dreams too light to even breathe the word “hope.” I have felt hopeless, dear reader. I know…

  • Longing for Light

    Longing for Light

    At the end of the day, my soul is weary with weight. With a heavy heart, I lie down in deep darkness…

  • What It Means To Live

    What It Means To Live

    Hey, friends! I hope life finds you well. (: I’m back after a month’s hiatus, feeling refreshed and ready to dive deeper into the posts I release. As you may have noticed, there have been some changes in my blog’s format and content. I encourage you to snoop around, check out my About, and discover…