The Legacy of Love Letters (& a special interview)
Communication has developed drastically over the past century. Letters are, to the modern eye, a token of the past, a sentimentality to admire for several moments but not worthy of deep consideration. In the sphere of social media, individuals bask in brevity. People send quick texts, rash rants, reminders; it’s fast and furious. There is…
What It Means To Live
Hey, friends! I hope life finds you well. (: I’m back after a month’s hiatus, feeling refreshed and ready to dive deeper into the posts I release. As you may have noticed, there have been some changes in my blog’s format and content. I encourage you to snoop around, check out my About, and discover…
10 Ways To Simplify Your Life (collab w/ Hope Leilani)
A simple lifestyle. . . something many of us long for but have no idea how to adopt. Our world craves for more. “If I just had (insert word) I’d be happy” is a phrase I hear far too often. Minimalism takes a different approach. It pushes us to survey what we already have, discover…
How Reading Jane Austen Has Made Me a Better Writer (Guest Post by Bella Putt)
Ladies and gentlemen, I have something very special for you today… A guest post by my dear blogger friend, Bella Putt! I know you’re going to enjoy this post — not just because Jane Austen is an author many of us know and love… but because Bella is an AMAZING writer and she has some…
4 Habits For A Focused & Productive School Year/Work-Life (+ Giveaway Winner)
With the school year approaching fast, things are going to start getting busy again. Even an organized person like myself can feel the weight of a packed schedule. And the fact that I have to stay on top of that schedule makes it more daunting. Life gets hard when it gets busy. . . Sometimes…
Things to Remember When Comparison Gets You Down
Comparison is hard. Trust me, I know how it feels. It’s a never-ending spiral of envy, doubt, and discouragement. As a blogger, it’s hard to look past the numbers, the followers, the likes. To remember that they don’t matter. That popularity isn’t what counts. I’ve struggled with it a lot in the past and I…