Category: Art & Beauty

  • 4 Habits For A Focused & Productive School Year/Work-Life (+ Giveaway Winner)

    4 Habits For A Focused & Productive School Year/Work-Life (+ Giveaway Winner)

    With the school year approaching fast, things are going to start getting busy again. Even an organized person like myself can feel the weight of a packed schedule. And the fact that I have to stay on top of that schedule makes it more daunting. Life gets hard when it gets busy. . . Sometimes…

  • Things to Remember When Comparison Gets You Down

    Things to Remember When Comparison Gets You Down

    Comparison is hard. Trust me, I know how it feels. It’s a never-ending spiral of envy, doubt, and discouragement. As a blogger, it’s hard to look past the numbers, the followers, the likes. To remember that they don’t matter. That popularity isn’t what counts. I’ve struggled with it a lot in the past and I…

  • 6 Productive Ways to Spend Your Summer

    6 Productive Ways to Spend Your Summer

    Summer has arrived at last! Maybe it’s just me but I’m looking forward to a breath of fresh air. With all the chaos of the past year and life in general, our world needs a break. Whether you’ll be spending your days relaxing by the pool or participating in activities at your gym, now and…

  • 7 Timeless Lessons from Beauty & the Beast

    7 Timeless Lessons from Beauty & the Beast

    With a dreamy far off look, and her nose stuck in a book. . . It’s no fable that I relate to Belle on many levels. Even more so as I grow older. Her love for literature is one thing we have in common. 😉 I rewatched Beauty & the Beast (1991 version) recently, and…

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    There’s something about the Star Wars movies that’s held our attention for over 40 years. And this one does not disappoint.

  • Star of Wonder Poem

    Star of Wonder Poem

    As the Christmas season approaches fast, I decided to share with you a poem I wrote. Stars have always fascinated me and I’ve held a deep love for them, for as long as I can remember. The star of wonder and the wise men have intrigued me ever since I listened to “We three kings”.…