Category: Art & Beauty

  • Dainty Things

    Dainty Things

    I glanced out of the window, my eyes absorbing the Malaysian foilage and swaying flowers. Summer winds, for it is always summer, rustle through the trees, stirring the leaves to a soft waltz. Butterflies pirouette through the air, flaunting wings of ivory, ebony silk, deep amber, and pale yellow. A question transpires in my mind:…

  • Walk Slow

    Walk Slow

    Dear friends, In the midst of a busy season, as October tends to be for me, I know how difficult it can be to find rest. To seek tranquility in the throes of school, work, and life. To find moments to renew and restore one’s soul. To slow down. Bent beneath the weight of overwhelm,…

  • October Letter: Loneliness

    October Letter: Loneliness

    Dear friend, Do you ever feel lonely? Do you ever feel isolated, divorced from other beings, divorced from the world itself? “No man is an island,” but what if one feels like one? Do you ever long for the things you imagine others do in togetherhood, ashamed because you do not, yet helpless as to…

  • Wouldn’t it be loverly?

    Wouldn’t it be loverly?

    Dear friends, It’s been a long day, week, month, year for me, and perhaps for you as well. Words whirl within me, yet, recently, it’s been difficult to transcribe them onto the page. Due to this and due to the brevity of time I’ve had, today’s post will be shorter. Yet, I hope, still of…

  • A September Letter: The Tune of Beauty

    A September Letter: The Tune of Beauty

    Dear friends, Life is fickle, is it not? As I mentioned in my last post, grappling with uncertainty is hard. And there are many unknowns these days. I know this to be true in my own life. Unknowns — delay, despair, death — wreak chaos… and how can one edify chaos? How can one live…

  • Hands


    Hands are my favorite physical attribute we humans possess. A rather odd statement, one might reply, but allow me to explain. Although the creases and shadows surrounding an eye or the curve of a mouth can reveal a person’s emotional state, hands reveal something deeper. Within the folds of a palm and position of fingers,…