On Quiet Beauty
The faint call of a bird whispers to me as I sit at my desk. Drained mentally and physically from deadlines and studies, eyes strained, I pause to listen. Silence steadies my breath. I look out my window as the evening light bathes the front yard in a soft, golden glow. The bird trills again,…
Shattered Shells: Trust for 2021 (& a poem)
As a ferocious planner, trust has always been a hard issue for me. I’ve always had a desire to know. To know what’s coming, what tomorrow brings, what the future holds… Unknowns are my darkest foes. Like jack-in-a-boxes, you never know what the box of Life holds or what to expect. In the past, I’ve…
Known & Cherished
“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.” ~Timothy Keller, The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of…
Blogging Reflections & ANNOUNCEMENT
As I sit down to write this post, I glimpse a hummingbird through my window. Eyes sharp but calm, it explores the world it finds itself in… but its wings remain still. A stillness not often attributed to the hurried, flighty nature of this beautiful creature. Lately, life has been anything but still. A reflection…
3 Lies That Crush Your Self-worth (& 3 Truths That Set You Free)
Beauty. What a subjective word? Twisted and warped by this broken world — it’s lost its meaning. The more society tries to portray what beauty looks like… the farther away we drift from the truth. Nowadays, women are bombarded with images and magazines instructing them how to act, how to dress, how to fit in.…
Why I Write + Take My Survey
It’s time to dive into the reasons for why I write. There are many wonderful aspects of writing, and I’ve really grown as a person from it. It has helped me see the world from new angles and find beauty in simple things. My thoughts have resulted in this notion: My word is my weapon,…