Big Changes Ahead!

The last year of blogging on the joyseeker has been amazing! I’ve had many new visitors and it’s been so fun to interact with you, my readers. But I’ve realized that there are improvements I need to make… Changes this blog needs to undergo so I can build my platform as I step into world of publishing. But most importantly, I want this blog to serve you better. And I know what I need to do to achieve this…

Migrate & redesign

I love my blog’s layout and maybe some of you do too, but it can be better. This is why I’m migrating to WORDPRESS.ORG.

Your reaction: But don’t you already have a wordpress site? ISN’T THIS A WORDPRESS SITE??! The internet is falling!!

Trust me. I didn’t know, until recently, that there was a difference between & But the crazy thing is… THERE IS. And it’s A BIG DIFFERENCE. There are a lot more design options, layouts, better images, traffic growth, graphics & other fun stuff .com can’t even dream of, at .org.

It’s all around better.

And don’t worry, my posts won’t disappear. You’ll still be able to access my content in my new site. But it will be better. And I’m thrilled about this next step.

Changing the domain name

I will henceforth retire from joyseeker. *que melancholy, funeral music* I love the name, I’ve loved writing on this blog, I love YOU but it’s not relevant to the topics I post about anymore. And as I step into the world of publishing, I need a more identifiable domain. That’s why I’ll be changing it to abigailblessing or something along those lines. I’ll also be getting a tag line and possibly a pretty banner (shh!) for the new site.

That’s all from me! I hope you understand these big changes and if you’re grieving, don’t grieve forever. After all, there are far better things ahead than we’ve ever left behind. I hope you love the new site as much as I love having you as my readers. Redesigning the website is hard work. This means it may be a little while (it could be several days or a few weeks) before I pop in again. But I’ll be back with a bright face & a new site. And I hope to see your lovely faces then.

Au revoir!

10 responses to “Big Changes Ahead!”

  1. Abbi, Shirley this is good news progress means change and change means progress. I’ll follow your writing where ever it takes me.

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