God Loves Plot Twists

It’s nerve-wracking to sit down and write the dreaded end to a first draft of a book. Many people think the middle is awful, and it is, but for me the end takes the most energy. But it has to, right? The ending is the most important part of the book. It has to leave the reader satisfied with your work, because the ending is what they’ll remember.

And, when you add a plot twist, it’s even more memorable. Think of a plot twist as a ride on a roller coaster. You’re crashing down the rails when all of the sudden you plummet off of the rails and into the air, to find out the coaster has wings! I know the main emotion you would be feeling is surprise. And, utter shock.

This morning as I went about my usual tasks, a sudden thought popped into my head: God loves plot twists. As I mused deeper over this spontaneous thought, I realized that it is indeed true.

God is the author and our life is a story. He takes pleasure in writing and plotting the purposeful plan he has for us. The story that takes time and isn’t finished yet. And that’s where the magic works… The unwritten area. What’s left in our life. We cruise through life soaking in the pain, toiling at work, going about the everyday tasks, doing the usual things and–when we least expect it–God bends and twists our story into something new. Something unexpected. Something wholly different than what we could’ve imagined. He places new characters into our lives, and overall surprises us.

You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.


How it all started doesn’t matter anymore. It’s where we are NOW that matters. What He has done in our lives and from HERE we continue. We cannot change the beginning but with God’s grace and plot twists we can change the ending.

The ending? But how do we guarantee that God isn’t going to write a sad or bad ending like they do in Shakespeare? Well first of all, God doesn’t work like that. He promises. . .

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to proper you and NOT to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Isn’t that beautiful. Because of this promise we can rest assured that he has a GOOD and PURPOSEFUL story for us. And a happy ending–though a more suitable phrase would be happy never-ending. Living in eternity with him.

So let us now rejoice in the plot twist he mixed in, is mixing in, or is scheming to throw in later.

God is a God of surprises. And. . . God. Loves. Plot Twists.

Thanks for reading! I would love to hear your insight, comments, or questions. 🙂

0 responses to “God Loves Plot Twists”

  1. Love this Abbi. So encouraging to remember GOD as the author, and one who always gets the ending right! It’s good to keep in mind that God doesn’t work or think the way that we do. As frustrating as that can be at times, it is so comforting that he is in control and that he knows best. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  2. Very meaningful thoughts Abbi.
    I especially found it uplifting since I have had times in my life that things have crashed notably a few years back. Slowly I was able to get back up and with His help I believe He is writing a surprise ending. Aunt Judy

  3. Abby this is amazing!!! Well done!
    I totally agree. God is the ultimate author – He’s the one who created us with the ability to write and fashion stories after all! Just from looking at the Bible, you can see how He loves plot twists – Jesus’ death BUT THEN resurrection is the biggest plot twist of all time!
    Again – love this blog!


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