Author: abigailblessing

  • Blogging Reflections & ANNOUNCEMENT

    Blogging Reflections & ANNOUNCEMENT

    As I sit down to write this post, I glimpse a hummingbird through my window. Eyes sharp but calm, it explores the world it finds itself in… but its wings remain still. A stillness not often attributed to the hurried, flighty nature of this beautiful creature. Lately, life has been anything but still. A reflection…

  • 3 Lies That Crush Your Self-worth (& 3 Truths That Set You Free)

    3 Lies That Crush Your Self-worth (& 3 Truths That Set You Free)

    Beauty. What a subjective word? Twisted and warped by this broken world — it’s lost its meaning. The more society tries to portray what beauty looks like… the farther away we drift from the truth. Nowadays, women are bombarded with images and magazines instructing them how to act, how to dress, how to fit in.…

  • 10 Ways To Simplify Your Life (collab w/ Hope Leilani)

    10 Ways To Simplify Your Life (collab w/ Hope Leilani)

    A simple lifestyle. . . something many of us long for but have no idea how to adopt. Our world craves for more. “If I just had (insert word) I’d be happy” is a phrase I hear far too often. Minimalism takes a different approach. It pushes us to survey what we already have, discover…

  • How Reading Jane Austen Has Made Me a Better Writer (Guest Post by Bella Putt)

    How Reading Jane Austen Has Made Me a Better Writer (Guest Post by Bella Putt)

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have something very special for you today… A guest post by my dear blogger friend, Bella Putt! I know you’re going to enjoy this post — not just because Jane Austen is an author many of us know and love… but because Bella is an AMAZING writer and she has some…

  • Why I Write + Take My Survey

    Why I Write + Take My Survey

    It’s time to dive into the reasons for why I write. There are many wonderful aspects of writing, and I’ve really grown as a person from it. It has helped me see the world from new angles and find beauty in simple things. My thoughts have resulted in this notion: My word is my weapon,…

  • 4 Habits For A Focused & Productive School Year/Work-Life (+ Giveaway Winner)

    4 Habits For A Focused & Productive School Year/Work-Life (+ Giveaway Winner)

    With the school year approaching fast, things are going to start getting busy again. Even an organized person like myself can feel the weight of a packed schedule. And the fact that I have to stay on top of that schedule makes it more daunting. Life gets hard when it gets busy. . . Sometimes…