Author: abigailblessing

  • A Summer Letter

    A Summer Letter

    Dear friends, I hope you are well. It’s been a while since I’ve written on here. Please forgive my recent lack of consistency — the past few weeks have been pretty busy. This summer, we traveled back to the states for a two-month summer visit. It has been an exciting, hectic whirlwind of an adventure.…

  • The Art of Reading Well

    The Art of Reading Well

    As summer dawns, I can finally look over piles of homework to see free days filled with… books. With the myriad of distractions our culture has to offer, from social media to pool parties, many question my enthusiasm for spending my summer, in simple terms, “reading dusty old books.” Unlike some of my peers, I…

  • An Ephiphany of Music

    An Ephiphany of Music

    In the halls of the grand Czech museum, I stood, gazing at a quote on the wall (“Without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress.” ~ Milan Kundera). Suddenly, I felt my inner world hush as the first notes of a song drifted…

  • The Legacy of Love Letters (& a special interview)

    The Legacy of Love Letters (& a special interview)

    Communication has developed drastically over the past century. Letters are, to the modern eye, a token of the past, a sentimentality to admire for several moments but not worthy of deep consideration. In the sphere of social media, individuals bask in brevity. People send quick texts, rash rants, reminders; it’s fast and furious. There is…

  • Hannah Coulter, Death, and Community

    Hannah Coulter, Death, and Community

    Dear friends. It’s been a little while since I typed and published a post. Life has been a hazy cloud with finals, other writing projects (submitting articles and becoming an editor at Polyphony Lit), and the continual struggles of being human. However, as I can now revel in the freedom we call “summer break,” I…

  • ‘What We Need is Here’ (Poetry Read Aloud)

    Hey, friends! Today, I will be doing a poetry read-aloud and discussion of R.S. Thomas’s “The Bright Field” and Wendell Berry’s “Wild Geese.” I hope you are able to tune it and enjoy the meaning and beauty these poets weave with their words. (I’m still figuring out how to adjust the size, so, for the…